Saturday 8 May 2021

The Curse of The Man-Thing (2021)

Title – The Curse of The Man-Thing
Author – Steve Orlando + various artists
Publisher - Marvel Comics
Format - Comic Book (3 part event)
Year - 2021
Original Cost – $4.99 x 3

The Curse of The Man-Thing is 3 part comic event in celebration of the 50 year anniversary of Marvel Comics' favorite swamp monster. With the comic industry being what it is now they have, probably quite wisely, invited their big hitters to the party to ensure some strong sales.  So while this is very much a story about the possession of The Man-Thing's body and powers by a villain called Harrower, the battle manages to crash through the worlds of The Avengers, Spider-Man and the X-Men.  Fortunately The Man-Thing has past connections with all of these 'franchises' which stops it feeling too contrived.

Parts 1 and 3 are perhaps the best with the Spider-Man book feeling a little like filler.  But beneath the superhero banter and the inevitable muscle flexing, there remains an overall attempt to force some new ground into the Man-Thing's back story without undoing it.  It also feels a lot like a set up for something more, perhaps a solo limited series or even another attempt at an ongoing monthly title.

There is now more to the origins of the monster, more to it's relationship with the bit of Doctor Ted Sallis that still dwells within and more to the Nexus of All Realities, the magical bit of the swamp, where the Man-Thing generally lurks.

All in all I thought it was pretty good and while the art style is not as dark or detailed as I prefer and given the fact its still a mainstream Marvel Comic aimed at a younger demographic than me, it was actually a worthy next chapter to the legacy.  And I will be interested to see what happens next.


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