Wednesday 23 June 2021

Interzone #165 John Christopher interview (2001)

Title – Interzone #165 John Christopher interview
Interviewer – Paul Brazier Publisher - Interzone / David Pringle
Format - Magazine
Year - 2001
Original Cost – £3.00 (Cost me £1 in Oxfam)

I've read a few books by John Christopher and have a few more sitting on the shelf waiting.  He's a great writer and a really important contributor to the British science fiction genre and children's fiction generally.  Despite that I realised I knew very little about the man himself so when thumbing through a box of old Interzone magazines in a charity shop, this was the one that jumped out at me.

Its a long interview conducted at Christopher's home and over a pub lunch.  He's quite candid and honest about his career and what becomes clear through out, is that he's a prolific wordsmith and a grafter.  Of course John Christopher isn't his real name but rather just the most popular of at least 8 pseudonyms employed by Sam Youd during his long career.

At the end of the interview we are presented with a list of all of Christopher's published works and the names under which they were penned.  There's approximately 60 titles featured although its by no means exhaustive. There may be other titles yet to be added and its doubtful even the author could name everything he had written or published.  In his early days he was writing four books a year for every one that got published, apparently.  Given the quality of his work, adding such a dynamic work ethic into the equation only makes him more admirable and worthy of greater respect.

There are a few other related features in the magazine that look interesting; a short story by Christopher being the top of the list.  Its a nice treasury and tribute to the man and his work and although I'm not sure that giving interviews was ever his favorite thing, he's as open and honest as you could hope.

Overall its a good potted history of how publishing worked back in the day as well as what it took to make a living in the industry.  I've got a few new titles to add to my wish list and it even taught me a new word into the bargain.

That word was; Prolix.  upon which note, ill take my leave.

Until next time


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