Friday 17 February 2023

Action (1976) - Happy 47th Birthday.

   Action was a weekly comic that was first published in the UK on the 14th of February 1976. That was a Saturday according to my diary so I'm getting these birthday best wishes in ready for the real big day, or a close as i can get it.

  For a comic book, Action was somewhat controversial due the high levels of violence and anarchy within its many stories and it was eventually, and very suddenly, withdrawn from sale at issue 37, which was pulped. It came back in a much neutered form a few weeks later but sales then quickly declined and it died that same strange death that most comic books of that time did, which was to be merged with some other lesser comic before eventually being fully absorbed.

   One day I might just research the evolution of my comic book reading as a kid because I'm sure it would explain quite a lot but suffice to say that as a 7 or 8 year old back then, Action was just about the most exciting visual story telling going and yes I absolutely understood that is was dangerous and violent and exciting and not to be left around for your parents to look at.  I remember my mate telling me it had been banned and that was why you couldn't find it in the newsagents anymore. We pondered on which idiot had shown his mum their copy and wondered if it was anyone in our school.

   So happy birthday to Hook Jaw, Death Game 1999, Kids Rule OK!, Hellman of Hammer Force, Dredger and all the rest of them.  Thanks for the wonderful dark memories and the absolute fun and thrill and I'm really sorry my mum made me give you all away to the jumble sale.  If I could go back in time, I would save you all.



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