Sunday 2 July 2023

The Orwell Collection: Animal Farm & 1984 by George Orwell (2021)

Animal Farm & 1984

Written by George Orwell. Read by Stephen Fry.

Audible Original - 2021

Audible / digital download

   I must have written a half dozen versions of this blog post and I can’t quite get it into the place I want it to be.  I think its because both novels ultimately made me sad and angry and in trying to explain how and why, I’m in great danger of talking about the state of the UK and not a couple of books. Both are still hugely relevant.

   So, with that in mind, I’ll just leave you with a few other quick thoughts:

   Both books are brilliant and very accessible.

   Orwell was one of the finest writers this country has known.

   Stephen Fry does a masterful job in telling these stories and they feel more like an ensemble cast than a single reader.

  And I can’t recommend either of them enough. In fact, given that there will always be another Napoleon and another O’Brien, they should probably be classed as essential reading for all.

   These are the cover designs for my original copies picked up somewhere in the 1980's, possibly 1981 but I cant be sure because I don't own them anymore. I might have to do something about that.


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