Sunday 31 December 2023

Hell Train by Christopher Fowler (2012)

   Hell Train is one of my last completed reads of 2023

   Imagine a Hammer Horror film that never existed and that’s what this story is.  I’m not being exceptionally perceptive here, that is the basic conceit of Fowler’s novel, where we are first introduced to Shane Castle, the jobbing script writer who is given a few days to come up with a workable treatment for the ailing studio.  Most of the rest of the book is that story, presented to us as prose, or the novelisation of the would-be film, as it were but we do revisit Castle’s higher reality intermittently and in order to give the novel something like a denouement of sorts.

   It’s entertaining enough for the most part, but it ultimately suffers from being too successful at what it sets out to emulate.  The novelty of the idea wears off after a while and you are then left with all the failings of a late in the season Hammer horror film. That is; a series of predictable set pieces, played out in a predictable manner. It probably outstays its welcome by a scene or five and makes absolutely no effort to add anything unexpected or unusual into the mix.  So actually, the book is quite a skillful interpretation of that movie genre, faults and all.

   For me this was a chance-buy for a quid from a charity shop the week before Christmas and there is something very right about a horror story at this time of year so I’m happy to have read it but its not a keeper by any means.

   In truth I’m not that big a fan of the Hammer horror films anymore.  The blood n boobs, was a bit of a rights of passage on late night TV in my formative years but they no longer retain a cosy nostalgic allure for me as they do for some.

   If someone wants to do another Quatermass story or even a sequel to Moon Zero Two then I would be down with that but I’m guessing that is never going to happen. In the meantime, I’ll find a suitable recipient for Hell Train because the right person is going to love it.

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