Sunday 31 December 2023

Pep Talks for Writers by Grant Faulkner. Read by Greg Tremblay. (2017)

    Pep Talks for Writers is my last completed Audible for 2023

   This motivational book for writers was free on Audible to members and I’m always up for a bit of free advice when its offered.  It’s presented in 52 short chapters, with none of them longer than 10 minutes and most coming in at around 5.  It’s very clearly written and read and is very much designed for dipping in and out of.  And what I really liked about it was that the advice is simply offered and not dictated. Try the things it suggests or don’t.  It fully acknowledges that there is no one single way to write successfully and that each person must find their own methods.  I don’t think there is anything particularly groundbreaking in here but its good to hear some of these ideas voiced out loud and to ponder them over the washing up or while engaging in other daily tasks.  I suspect a lot of the advice would compliment most creative endeavours and so it’s an encouraging support system for the arty types.  As such I can see me dipping back into this from time to time to refresh my motivation or to try out a different creative tactic.

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