Sunday 31 December 2023

Li’l Pops Saves Christmas by John W. Ashbrook (2023)

   Back from a few days hiding out in Cornwall, Li’l Pops Saves Christmas was a lovely way to squeeze the last bit of the festive cheer out of the holiday and inspire some actions for the New Year.

   John is a friend from many years back when he lived and worked locally.  He moved back “up North!” but we still communicate through the magic of social media, and the conversations still feel very much like the continuation of the ones we started all those decades earlier, which is special I think.

   Anyway, John writes and publishes a Christmas story most years and sends them out like other folk might drop you a greetings card.  And that’s a bit special as well.

two from previous years

   This year’s is the adventures of Li’l Pops on his Allotment that Time Forgot as he saves Christmas from the crows, with an assortment of animal helpers.  It’s an amusingly quirky but traditional tale, done entirely for fun and the satisfaction of doing it, I imagine.

   I’m not sure if the A5 format makes it technically a zine but they live on my zine shelf and I find them every bit as inspirational as all the other small publishers out there, that are just doing their own thing and getting their words in front of folk in a very tangible kind of way.

   So, a very heartfelt and public thank you for these festive tales John, they have become a bit of a tradition in their own right, and I really should reciprocate, although I don’t think I have it in me to write something that’s as nice.  I would aim for funny, bounce of cynical and most probably end up in the kind of dark place that makes me laugh and others raise their eyebrows questioningly.  Which doesn’t mean I won’t give it a go! It’s not like I haven’t got a year’s lead time.

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